How to Apply for a Student Visa in Australia

Enrol in an Australian Institution: Before anything else, secure your spot in a course at an educational institution in Australia. This institution should be registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

  1. Receive a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE): Upon securing your course place, the institution will issue a CoE. This is an essential document for your visa application.
  2. Gather Essential Documents:
    • A valid passport.
    • The CoE issued by your chosen educational institution.
    • Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement demonstrating your intention to stay in Australia temporarily.
    • Proof of sufficient funds to cover tuition, living expenses, and return travel.
    • Evidence of Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
    • English proficiency test results, if required.
    • Statement of criminal record, along with a police certificate, if requested.
    • Health examination reports, if required.
  3. Apply Online: Start your visa application journey on the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs website.
  4. Pay the Visa Application Fee: The fee for the Student Visa (subclass 500) might vary, so always check the current rate on the official website.
  5. Await Further Instructions: In some cases, you might be asked for additional information or documents. Make sure to check your email regularly.
  6. Wait for a Decision: After submitting your application and all necessary documents, it’s a waiting game. But rest assured, you’ll be informed once a decision has been made.

2. Common Mistakes to Avoid During Student Visa Application

While Australia welcomes international students warmly, a small oversight can complicate your visa application. Here’s what to watch out for:

  • Hasty Form Filling: Mistakes in your application form can lead to delays. Always double-check every detail in your visa application.
  • Overlooking the GTE Requirement: The Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement is pivotal. Ensure your statement is clear, honest, and demonstrates your temporary intent to stay in Australia.
  • Insufficient Financial Proof: Be meticulous with your financial documents. They should clearly show you can cover your tuition, stay, and other expenses during your course duration.
  • Not Maintaining Health Cover: Maintaining Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of your stay is mandatory. Ensure there are no lapses.
  • Ignoring Course Registration: Only choose institutions and courses registered under CRICOS. Not doing so can invalidate your application.
  • Misunderstanding Visa Duration Rules: Your visa duration usually aligns with your course duration. Familiarise yourself with the rules to avoid overstaying unintentionally.
  • Delaying the Application: Visa processing times can fluctuate. It’s wise to apply well in advance to accommodate any unforeseen delays.


Embracing the vibrant student life in Australia is a thrilling prospect, but it’s essential to navigate the visa application process with care. By following the steps outlined and being vigilant about avoiding common mistakes, your journey to the land Down Under can be smooth sailing. Always rely on the official Australian Department of Home Affairs website for the most accurate, up-to-date information.

So, pack your bags, brace for adventure, and get ready to dive into a memorable academic experience in Australia! 🎓🐨🇦🇺